Thursday 1 March 2018

What I Have Been Reading (and An Invitation to Our Email List)

First of all, I am officially back on the blog after taking the month of February to regroup and slow down. It was lovely just taking time to do plenty of reading, store up a few drafts, and work on an email list.

If you would like to subscribe to our email list, just click on the picture below. I will be sharing a monthly newsletter, bonus posts + free printables, and I would love for you to join the email family.

I have been reading the Secret of Childhood by Maria Montessori, and while I really enjoy any of her work I have read so far, this one is my favourite. It has really been reshaping the way I look at my children, especially Ignatius, and I am really grateful for her wisdom.

And of course, I have been reading plenty online. Some articles I have been enjoying lately:

The Hardest Thing to Remember When Your Child is Upset on Janet Lansbury. Every once in a while I feel we need to try a new approach with Jerome, and I happened on this article at exactly the right time. 

Respecting Children In Public Spaces on Kavanaugh Report. This is something I think about often, as I can never leave the house without people saying something to us, or touching one of my children without permisson.

Seven Tips on Introducing Practical Life Activities on Frida Be Mighty. I especially liked her point about children not necessarily being interested in an activity at first (or every time).

A Cleaning Rhythm and How We Work Together As a Family on Every Day Begins New. I am trying to implement a more structured rhythm (ask me how that is going with irregular sleep and having a tiny baby with a cold) and found it helpful to read about what works for another family.

Our Weekly Rhythm on Bird is the Word. Obviously having a rhythm is on my mind as I enjoyed reading what works for this family as well.

If you have any favourite Montessori or parenting blogs, I would love to hear about them. I am always looking for new inspiration. Also, if you have not heard of Bloglovin', I highly reccomend it. It makes it so much easier to keep up with favourite blogs. I am linked to Bloglovin' in the right sidebar if you would like to keep up with us that way.

Hope you have a fantastic weekend,
Olivia Fischer

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