I first started seeing Montessori on Pinterest when I was searching for ways to fill my days with Jerome when he was quite young.
I remember the night I first discovered Kylie's blog at How We Montessori, staying up all night looking through her Photo of the Day feed and pinning like a madwoman.
From there I read.
My favorite blogs when I first started reading Montessori blogs were:
- How We Montessori by Kylie
- Kavanaugh Report by Nicole
- Carrots are Orange by Marnie (this is really helpful for Montessori homeschooling, specifically)
- Sugar, Spice and Glitter by Jennifer (her detailed posts such as this lesson on moving a chair, and descriptions of terms and materials were really helpful)
Maria Montessori herself says that the best way to learn about Montessori is from reading her books.
The first of Montessori's books I read was the Absorbent Mind, one of her many books, and I have felt it to be a very good place to start, complex as it has been to understand at times.
I would also recommend:
- The Essential Montessori by Elizabeth Hainstock
- How To Raise an Amazing Child the Montessori Way by Tim Seldin
- The Secret of Childhood by Maria Montessori
- Dr. Montessori's Own Handbook by Maria Montessori
- Montessori from the Start by Linda Polk Lillard
And last of all, I wanted to share my favorite Montessori Instagram accounts.
I really love this little app and all the ways I have been able to connect with other moms, and see so many helpful videos and posts which have made Montessori feel so much more every day for me.
- Nicole Kavanaugh at nickav25 who I need to mention again because her Instagram is just so helpful
- Eloise with her brilliant account mightymother_
- Ted at fredtedandcompany with her two adorable children
- Valerie at house.of.carters who exudes such love and support for her children
Thank you for reading! If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me. I would also love to hear any suggestions for posts you would like me to write about. And if you are interested in following along in our daily adventures, follow us on Instagram where I post daily.

God bless,
Olivia Fischer
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