And to read how to approach Montessori potty learning from start to finish go here.
Let me preface this by saying that, if you are uncomfortable with bathroom messes, this method is not for you.
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When my kids are first learning to use the toilet, I have found a lot of success in allowing them to spend at least part of their day bare from the waist down.
That's right, one learning toddler, one bare bum, please.
My reasoning for this:
- Not having any clothing to remove if they do manage to make it to the bathroom
- To help them understand the process, from the sensation of needing to pee to what happens when they do go
No Big Deal, No Shame
Potty Learning Cannot Be Forced
Similiar to when children learn to sit or to walk, learning to use the potty is a process that is personal to the child. As much as I may want to see them master this skill, I cannot force them to understand nor pressure them into learning it.
Their bodies need to be in control.
This is why I find it helpful to incorporate the elimination communication aspect to potty learning, allowing the child to have a little freedom to discover what happens when they have the sensation and release it.
Having the child in a diaper or pull-up decreases this awareness because when a child uses one of these it does not feel wet in the same way. A child is used to doing their business in a diaper and moving on without thinking much of it.
Now, just as a side note, I am not letting my child wander around naked and just waiting for them to have an accident. If they are going bare, I try to ask them or remind them about the potty every hour or so, in a relaxed and positive way.
I have found that the child learns pretty quickly that they need to find me either as they have the sensation, or after they have made the mess.
And truthfully, this stage lasts only a few weeks.
Once they seem to have a grasp of what happens when they need to go pee, I transition them into wearing underwear.
How do you help your child to transition from diaper to potty?
Are you just getting started? Find links here:
Underwear here
Learning toilet options here | here
Books to read to normalize toiletting here | here
Mat to give everything a place here
Basket for new underwear here
Bucket for dirty underwear here
Thank you for reading! If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me. I would also love to hear any suggestions for posts you would like me to write about. And if you are interested in following along in our daily adventures, follow us on Instagram where I post daily.

God bless,
Olivia Fischer
Olivia Fischer
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